Disinfection & Disinfectant

Terms and definitions


Physical action with detergent giving the removal of organic material and 99-99.9% of organisms present.

“DETERGENT” Is cleaning agent WHICH Lowers the surface tension of water & lead to spread of water (surfactant) ,It removes the organic matter and 99-99.9% of organisms present.



Killing or destruction of pathogenic agent (not saprophytic )& their spores, by use of chemical or physical means ,The place become free from infection .


  • Physically active ingredients


  • Chemically active ingredients

Alkaline or acidic builders

Factors affecting efficacy of disinfection

1) Conc. Of disinfectant                     2) Formulation of disinfectant .

3) Target organism (s) .                     4) Contact time .

5) Temp.                                              6) Soil load .

7) Biofilm presence .                          8) Surface micro topography

9) Pre cleaning .                     10) PH .

11) Relative humidity .          12) Compatibility .

13) Application method .      14) Application rate .

15) Storage product age .     16) Mixing disinfectant .

17) Disinfectant promoter    17) Water & disinfectant .

Effective Poultry House Cleaning and Disinfection

  • A correctly performed cleaning operation eliminates 70-90 % of microbes
  • important factor in the effectiveness of poultry disinfection
  • keep the supply for electric current off
  • Note One gram of dust contains 200 000 to 800 000 coli form bacteria Also one gram of litter contains 7.9 billion coli form bacteria 

Clean out procedures

1-Allow a 2 weeks down time for clean up & preparation for the next flock

2-Keep the supply for electric current off before beginning of cleaning process

3-Spraying of pesticide inside the farm

    –  Immediately after removal of birds .

    – Not allow chance to pests to migrate .

4-Take out all movable equipment

 from the house

(1)Clean & disinfect it .

(2)Leave it outside exposed to sun . 

  • Step 1: Dry Cleaning:-

    Remove feed, litter, all bedding, feces, manure, carcasses, dust and debris from the area by brushing, scraping, sweeping
  • Step 2: Wet Cleaning Steps: wash and rinse:-

    Remove the organic materials (fats, proteins) with an alkaline detergent through use a foaming gun or high pressure sprayer.
    Leave the foam for 20 minutes on the surfaces to react.


  • Terminal disinfection programs
  • Contentious disinfection programs
  • Special disinfection programs 

Terminal disinfection programs


  • Use moderate power disinfectant with low cost value
  • In addition to the Normal Disinfection Routine, rinse with powerful disinfectant with Usage higher dilution rates for premises with no known disease problem.
  • Use a knapsack sprayer, pressure washer at a low pressure setting (300 psi) with a fan jet or for larger premises an orchard sprayer.

Terminal disinfection programs 

  • Disinfect all removable equipment at a rate of 300 ml/m2, and replace in cleaned house, then disinfect the cleaned house.
  •  Apply solution evenly to all washed surfaces at a rate of 300 ml/m2 of surface area to achieve thorough wetting.
  •  Pay particular attention to corners, cracks, seams and porous surfaces.
  •  Ensure that all sides of supporting posts are covered.
  •  Spray into the apex of the roof and work down the walls to the floors.
  •  On completion of disinfection, close all doors and place foot dips at entrances.


High level disinfectants

Which destroy vegetative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi and enveloped (lipid) and non-enveloped (non lipid) viruses, but not necessarily bacterial spores. High level disinfectant chemicals (also called chemical sterilants) must be capable of sterilization when contact time is extended. Items must be thoroughly cleaned prior to high level disinfection.

Example: glutraldhyde , formaldhyde ,H2O2 and peracetic acid

Intermediate level disinfectants: Intermediate level disinfectants kill vegetative bacteria, most viruses and most fungi but not resistant bacterial spores.

Example: alcholes , hypochlorite and iodophores

Low level disinfectants :

 kill most vegetative bacteria and some

fungi as well as enveloped (lipid) viruses

Low level disinfectants do not kill mycobacteria or bacterial spores. Low level disinfectants

are typically used to clean environmental surfaces.

Example: phenolic compounds  and QACs 


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